Snowed in!
Today we woke up to a winter wonderland. It had snowed overnight and everything was under 15 cm of snow. Constantina was very excited and couldn't wait to go outdoors and build herself a snowman. My neighbour texted me to ask if our daughters could play together as the local school was closed. It didn't occur to me at that moment that things were more serious than they seemed.

From the news, I hear there are no buses, most schools and businesses remained closed and those that opened are working with limited staff because ... well, who would have wanted to go to work when they can stay home and enjoy snowball fights with their children?
C's dad cannot come to visit as planned because he is snowed in - literally. He lives in the countryside where, unless a local farmer decides to take a ride on his tractor, the roads do not get cleared.
I feel sad. I am so lonely it hurts!
Next I had a phonecall from Tesco telling me they won't be doing any deliveries today due to bad weather and I would have to re-place my order.
Of course my internet connection is playing up since last Thursday, meaning when I do get through, I cannot maintain connection for more than 5-10 minutes and then it takes several long efforts to reconnect. Damned 3 mobile! I rang them so many times to sort the problem out. Apparently they were doing works in our area to make their service better. This is when you say 'if it is not broke, why fix it?' They claim the works are finished and I should have been able to connect since the weekend. Despite numerous hour-long consultations with them (all costing a lot of money as it is an 0870 number), I still have the same problem. ARGGGH!
Can it get worse? I am sure it can, but I don't want it to because it already feels dreadful. I hope the weather will clear soon as we are going to run out of food.
Constantina came back soaked to the bone as my neighbour did not pay much attention to her and I had to put all her clothes and shoes on the radiators to dry. I made her a hot cup of cocoa and she finished up her porridge that she had left over from breakfast time. Then she climbed onto the sofa and covered herself with her duvet to watch children's TV.
Maybe I should use my positive mental attitude and concentrate on the fact that I lost 2 kgs since last week (2.7 since my return from Greece). I am sure if I hadn't cheated, I would have done much better but I am only human and I still turn to food when I am frustrated.
Think I am getting cabin fever. Pray for me! LOL
From the news, I hear there are no buses, most schools and businesses remained closed and those that opened are working with limited staff because ... well, who would have wanted to go to work when they can stay home and enjoy snowball fights with their children?
C's dad cannot come to visit as planned because he is snowed in - literally. He lives in the countryside where, unless a local farmer decides to take a ride on his tractor, the roads do not get cleared.
I feel sad. I am so lonely it hurts!
Next I had a phonecall from Tesco telling me they won't be doing any deliveries today due to bad weather and I would have to re-place my order.
Of course my internet connection is playing up since last Thursday, meaning when I do get through, I cannot maintain connection for more than 5-10 minutes and then it takes several long efforts to reconnect. Damned 3 mobile! I rang them so many times to sort the problem out. Apparently they were doing works in our area to make their service better. This is when you say 'if it is not broke, why fix it?' They claim the works are finished and I should have been able to connect since the weekend. Despite numerous hour-long consultations with them (all costing a lot of money as it is an 0870 number), I still have the same problem. ARGGGH!
Can it get worse? I am sure it can, but I don't want it to because it already feels dreadful. I hope the weather will clear soon as we are going to run out of food.
Constantina came back soaked to the bone as my neighbour did not pay much attention to her and I had to put all her clothes and shoes on the radiators to dry. I made her a hot cup of cocoa and she finished up her porridge that she had left over from breakfast time. Then she climbed onto the sofa and covered herself with her duvet to watch children's TV.
Maybe I should use my positive mental attitude and concentrate on the fact that I lost 2 kgs since last week (2.7 since my return from Greece). I am sure if I hadn't cheated, I would have done much better but I am only human and I still turn to food when I am frustrated.
Think I am getting cabin fever. Pray for me! LOL
Τάνια μου,
Συγνώμη για τα ελληνικά! Πως πας; Συνεχίζεις την προσπάθεια σου; Σχεδόν τρία κιλά είναι μια χαρά! Θα τα καταφέρεις μέχρι την ημέρα της επέμβασης! Μην κάνεις πίσω! Όλοι μας στο φαγητό βρίσκουμε μια παρηγοριά και αυτό παλεύουμε να νικήσουμε! Πρέπει να έχεις ένα ισχυρό κίνητρο για να κάνεις την νέα επέμβαση. Ξέρω ότι μπορεί να απογοητεύτηκες που δεν πέτυχες με την πρώτη φορά, αλλά αυτό δεν σημαίνει ότι δεν υπάρχει και δεύτερη ευκαιρία. Υπάρχουν και άλλα παιδιά από το φόρουμ που έκαναν δεύτερο χειρουργείο και τα πηγαίνουν περίφημα!! Έχεις καιρό να μπεις στο φόρουμ και να μάθουμε νέα σου. Μη χάνεσαι!!
Η Marmita από το daktylios
2 κιλά; Είναι μια καλή αρχή Τάνια. Και μην το βάζεις κάτω! Συνέχισε. Εγώ προσπαθώ να βρω άκρη με τα weight watchers γενικά. Το θέμα είναι ότι ανά τον κόσμο περιορίζονται στα σύνορά τους κι όχι παραπέρα. Πριν λίγο έστειλα email σε αυτό της Αυστραλίας έχοντας μια μηδαμινή ελπίδα, ότι τόσοι έλληνες που 'ναι εκεί κάτω ίσως να βρω κάτι στα ελληνικά!
Να'σαι πάντα καλά και πάντα δυνατή! Σκέψου θετικά όσο μπορείς!
Φιλιά πολλά!
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