15 July 2006

Day 8 Post-Op

I am not even sure I should be counting the days post-op any more as I am as near to normal as ever. Back is aching, feet/sheens are swollen and appetite is back.

I hate myself for succumbing and eating when I should be careful, regardless of the band...

Today I had some sesame baguette with butter for breakfast. It was so delicious, I almost gulped it down without chewing and of course a bit of it got stuck in my throat. Just when I was thinking 'aren't I lucky I don't have vomitting!' Didn't vomit, but had to chase the bread with some pomegranate and grape juice and suffer pain on my oesophagus for a few minutes. I had two bowls of meat soup followed by a cup of ice cream for lunch. Oh and I did eat some more sesame bread (seems to be my downfall!)

The weather has changed to the better as the winds have died down and the heat has returned. This of course has turned my mind to the subject of holidays as I have been promising myself to make up for wasting yet another summer by taking a winter break.

I found info about the island of St Martin and spent hours and hours last night viewing pics and reading about it. It seems like a piece of Paradise dropped on Earth! How I'd love to go there but it is expensive and would I love it the same if I was there all on my own? But who knows what can happen till winter! :)

I am trying to 'see' myself thinner. I even went online and browsed clothes, thinking that perhaps by winter I will be size 26 (I am currently wearing 32/34).

I found some old photos as I was clearing up my bookcase today - pics of the time I was so much slimmer. I remember my parents bitching me about being fat then instead of being happy to have a healthy and happy daughter. Ah well... I also found my old Weight Watchers cards and believe it or not there was a time I was close to 100 kgs. Damn! If only people would have accepted me as I was then, how different my life would have been! But no use dwelling on the past when we have the future to look forward to, right?

OK I am just babbling now... but can someone please tell me off for eating without thought? I feel so guilty and yet I am making excuses for myself. I don't know if it is 'normal' behaviour or I am being just my old self. It would have been nice if there was a support group or support line I could ring and find out but these things are luxury in Greece.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Steve here

You seem much beter the last few days. When u want to eat what you shouldnt just find something to do till it passes.

You are going well 6 kilos the other day is excellent.

Steve x

7:56 AM  
Blogger Tania said...

Thanks, Steve. I will try to resist my urges. I think the easiest way to avoid temptation is not to have certain things at home... like bread. I am still finding it difficult to get to the shops (difficulty outweighs the desire to go out) so I'll ask mom not to give in to my pleas when it comes to dangerous food items.

9:14 AM  
Blogger Kine said...

Hi, I have been reading our posts everyday now too see how you are doing.

I am having gastric bypass in september and am so excitied to get my life starting again. I bet you know how that feels.

Keep up the great work and don't be so hard on your self when you just HAVE to have that bread. God knows i have the same problem.

5:03 AM  
Blogger Tania said...

Hi Pookie

I wish you all the best for your upcoming surgery. Enjoy the last of your freedom to eat everything that you won't be able to eat later, but don't overdo it, as it might hinder surgery.

Let us know how you got on, OK?



Secret hint: get some laxative a couple of days before your surgery so that afterwards you do not have a problem!

7:54 AM  

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