2nd Fill
Today saw the removal of the forgotten stitch that was deep in my belly button. My surgeon was not there, so I got to see Mr Tasioulis, a very gregarious surgeon who removed the stitch without me feeling anything! He also gave me a fill of 2 ml. At first he was reluctant to give me a fill so soon after my first fill. However, when I explained my logic behind my request, he agreed to it.
So now I have a total of 4 ml in the lapband... if I don't see a difference in my eating ability, the next step is to get a barium X-ray to determine the location/condition of the band and if there is something wrong with it to arrange its removal/replacement. The acid test will be lunch: mashed potatoes and meat in lemon sauce...
Anyway, I weighed myself and realised that last time I had misread the scales so I have not lost all that tremendous amount of weight I thought (but did not really believe) I had. I have only lost 7.7 kgs since my operation which is nothing compared to other people. If I had dieted for 3 weeks I would have lost about 12 kgs or maybe a bit more. Anyway, I can't live life with ifs and buts. I'll just have to make an effort this week and see what happens.

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