Back on track
I went to Athens today for a meeting that could have sorted out my financial worries and took the opportunity to get weighed. I am happy to announce that I am back on track! 158.750 kgs today.
I rang mom after the meeting to give her the news about the business deal. Instead of being nice to me she poured venom out, reminding me I am too fat and people will not want to do business with me. What can I say! I have a fantastic mom (not)!
Anyway, I ate a ham and cheese croissant (had had no breakfast so this was lunch) and was full before even finishing it.
In the evening mom brought down some food: two chicken legs (by leg I mean both thigh and leg), a piece of steak and about 8 courgettes. I argued with her that again she had given me too much food. She seems intend on overfeeding me. She got defensive and said that I didn't have to eat it all but could save some for tomorrow. Yeah, right, as if! Still I managed to stick one leg in the fridge and ate the rest of the food with some yoghurt and mustard sauce and washed it down with a can of Oranjeboom beer. I am telling you, after this feast I was stuffed, well and truly!
But now I know that I can eat with 7.5 ml fill and I can get full with a small quantity. So once I get over my head hunger, it will all be fine. I am working on it. Every day that passes I learn something new about my gastric band and how it works. So I may not have reached my goal of 150 kgs on departure from Greece (due Thursday) but I am down to 158 kgs and if you consider that two years ago I was 192 kgs... that is a massive loss of 34 kgs - so congratulations are in order :)
I rang mom after the meeting to give her the news about the business deal. Instead of being nice to me she poured venom out, reminding me I am too fat and people will not want to do business with me. What can I say! I have a fantastic mom (not)!
Anyway, I ate a ham and cheese croissant (had had no breakfast so this was lunch) and was full before even finishing it.
In the evening mom brought down some food: two chicken legs (by leg I mean both thigh and leg), a piece of steak and about 8 courgettes. I argued with her that again she had given me too much food. She seems intend on overfeeding me. She got defensive and said that I didn't have to eat it all but could save some for tomorrow. Yeah, right, as if! Still I managed to stick one leg in the fridge and ate the rest of the food with some yoghurt and mustard sauce and washed it down with a can of Oranjeboom beer. I am telling you, after this feast I was stuffed, well and truly!
But now I know that I can eat with 7.5 ml fill and I can get full with a small quantity. So once I get over my head hunger, it will all be fine. I am working on it. Every day that passes I learn something new about my gastric band and how it works. So I may not have reached my goal of 150 kgs on departure from Greece (due Thursday) but I am down to 158 kgs and if you consider that two years ago I was 192 kgs... that is a massive loss of 34 kgs - so congratulations are in order :)

Total loss: 14.85 kgs - 88.75 to go
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