Naughty Forties
I have reached that respectable age that every woman dreads but I feel as young as ever. That is something, I guess.
With regards to my lapband and attempts to diet, well things are not going very well. Yesterday I had a PB followed by two violent vomiting sessions which left me weak and trembling. (And there's you thinking men are supposed to make you feel like that! Hah!) I am still not fully recovered from the 3-week long illness (cold with a bout of the flu in between resulting in upper respiratory infection). My hair is falling out at an alarming rate and my scalp has thinned out so much it is painful to look at my image on the mirror. I want to think it is the change of seasons that is affecting my hair growth and that it will regenerate with time. But it could be diet-related and I vowed to start taking my iron supplements again.
My daughter is progressing by leaps and bounds. She is not using a dummy any more and I am so pleased with that. I forgot to give it to her 3-4 days ago and that was it. Amazing! She has also learned to climb on her high chair and drink from a cup. For some strange reason she seems to know what she is meant to do with things, e.g. she puts the phone back on its cradle after I have finished taking a call and she brings her plate back in the kitchen. Still she is interested in the contents of the rubbish bin and often goes through it to retrieve 'tasty little morsels' which totally freaks me out. I mean, give her a banana and you'll find it spread all over the leather sofa and footstool with little of it being eaten. So you take the banana remnants and throw them in the rubbish bin. But the little one remembers and later on she goes through the bin to retrieve what is rightfully hers and before mummy has a chance to react, the banana finds its way in her mouth.
In case you are wondering, my total weight loss to date is 20.6 kgs. Not a great feat by any means as I am approaching the 5th month anniversary. Yo-yoing since September. Sadly I am not alone in that. Many of my new friends in the forum seem to be having problems losing weight. To be honest, it seems that most people do not have the results one would have expected, but not all of them will admit it. I can't blame them, though. It is hard to accept the fact that you took a life-changing decision and it has been a flash in a pan just like every other decision you have taken in the past.
But let's not dwell on misery! Today is a new day and I have vowed to lose another 2 kgs in the next 10 days. I will be careful of what I eat and drink and for today's lunch I think a beetroot and gherkin salad with smoked ham and maybe a hard boiled egg will do me nicely. That will leave the lamb tagine for my daughter. I am baking some half baguettes in the oven now to have a bit of bread with my tea. I bought a nice eucalyptus honey from Australia that I want to try. Honey is meant to be good for you.
Geia sou Tania,
I checked your blog today, after a long time and read about your hair loss problem. Let me tell you what really happens.
You've reached the Telogen effluvium stage, which is due to an increased number of hair follicles entering the resting stage. The most common cause of telogen effluvium is rapid weight change and every person who had weight loss surgery, is gonna reach this stage from month 3 to 9 after surgery.
But don't worry. New hair will grow up and everything will be fine. You can do nothing to prevent that from happenning (maybe by increasing your protein intake you can help slow it down or by taking vitamin Omega 3 fish oils), so take a deep breath and wait.
The way to see it - it's temporary - and a small price to pay for getting thin.
This too shall pass!
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