24 September 2013

Mr Right ... not!

My Mr Right... sigh

What can I say? Sometimes things do not work out. 

After meeting him, I began putting weight on again (after the first romantic wave, my appetite came back, not helped by the fact that he loves his food, too, especially fattening things.) 

We travelled to Greece where I overused my knees and when we got back I had severe problems walking. I ended up using a wheelchair with him happily pushing me places. Then I began physiotherapy, got taught to use two walking sticks and after a month of incredible pain (because now I was putting weight on both knees instead of one all these years) my body readjusted and I began moving again (but still use my wheelchair outdoors.)

My weight has been up and down like a yo-yo. When I am feeling well, I lose weight, but when I am stressed, I put weight on. Personal highest achieved this year, I am ashamed to report. :( It didn't help that my stupid doctors put me on Tramadol, a vicious addictive pain killer, which instead of minimising the pain, it made it worse (go figure!) and I spent all winter and spring sleeping most of the day...

My Mr Right had a nervous breakdown due to his work obligations and to caring for me and he still hasn't recovered. His solution to the problems we are facing was to want to move out... I said fine, go! but then regretted it. I can't imagine life on my own again. Right now we are in limbo land, unsure of what the future will bring and taking it one day at a time. However, I am worried because the other day he was quietly crying in bed. This is clearly not good for him so I may have to be strong and let him go. I know I'll survive...

OK, enough with talking about unpleasant things. Let me tell you about my hobby. I decided to embrace my love for food and created a page on Facebook called Shockolata. If you have a spare moment, do drop by and click LIKE if there is anything in it you like or feel inspired from. But please do not call me by name or refer to this blog, as you know... I don't want my entire life becoming public - hope you understand. (It's OK to contact me via a private message, of course.)

I wanted to make a business out of Shockolata, but Mr Right did not allow me. He said it was stressing him too much each time I baked for other people... He may be right because with my mobility problems I am no longer able to do housework, much less wash things up and tidy up after I prepare something. I rely on him and my daughter heavily and sometimes food does burn when they are looking after it. I am not complaining - just explaining that it is hard to do certain things as a disabled person, but I am not giving up.


I may not be skinny, beautiful or healthy, but I am still breathing, so there is hope for yet another day. :)

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