24 April 2015

Lymphedema news

Hi, long time no update. Well, I finally saw the LE specialist at St George's in Tooting. She confirmed that I have LE in feet, legs, and belly. Said we'll have to do intensive treatment (i.e. wrapping) for one week, Mon-Fri. She referred me to an endocrinologist to check me out for Cushings syndrome but no sign of an appointment, yet. All I know is that I am going to clinic end of May to be measured for garments. My understanding was that I would get to see the specialist nurses who would wrap me up. I don't know what is happening. Must ring and clarify. As for MLD, the therapist never rang me back as promised. Maybe for the best, as each treatment is £70! And that is to go to the hospice, not to have it done at home...

I am doing alright with my calorie counting. Losing on average 1 lb a week. There is no hunger or strain involved. I eat everything I want but I have cut out all takeaways, deliveries and ready meals. I have cut down on salt as I have discovered that it swells me up and have cut down on MSG (soy sauce mainly but lots of other foods where it is hidden, like commercial Caesar dressing, for example.) I am trying to eat as natural as possible and to cook from scratch when I am able to. I even made my very own chips by microwaving cut potatoes for 5 mins at full and then frying them in hot oil. They ended up fluffy on the inside and crispy on the outside. No need to parboil and cook in batches and then recook. 

Sometimes my brain finds solutions that no one else has thought about just by processing available information. I am hoping that my brain will come through for my LE treatment. I would like to help other people achieve their health goals and lead better lives.

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