Major changes do not happen overnight, but sometimes you notice them as you wake up. For example, 8 weeks post-op and my first thought of the day is not about food any more. My breakfast is a leisurly affair. Sometimes I drink some chocolate milk (half a glass) at around 8 am and then I have lunch around midday and other times I have some choco pockets with milk (one dish) or like today I have 3 rusks with some cheese. I have no compulsive need to eat sweets or to snack between meals, though I may still snack on the way to serving my lunch.
After the latest fill adjustment, I can eat half of what I used to eat. It is a reasonable portion of a normal person without the starter and desert as there is no room for these. I guess I could eat 1/3 of the portion of starter, main, desert and still end up with the same calorie intake. I haven't had a chance to practise that, yet.
Do you remember me complaining about my belly being so big that it touched the seat before my bum had a chance to? Well that is history, now. My belly has shrunk and it is a joy to be caressing it and not be dragged down by its weight. My lap space has enlarged and my daughter can sit on it more comfortably and she can actually cuddle up to me, now.
Also do you recall me not being able to get a decent night's sleep due to back ache? Well, nowadays I can do 6 (yes, SIX!) hours of sleep in one stretch. And I can lie in bed an additional hour or two reading my books. In the past, I was unable to lie in bed for more than half an hour, maximum one hour.
N., do you remember the nights when I used to slip away to sleep in the armchair? Do you remember how you used to have to help me up and how long it took to stabilise my weight on my feet and to be able to mobilise myself? You were doing everything in your power then, to help me on a day to day basis, including washing me when I was in too much pain to do it myself. But one thing you could not do was make me lose weight. That is something that each person has to decide and act upon for themselves. But you gave me the greatest gift - our daughter! And my darling baby began helping me lose weight from the moment she was conceived.
192.2 kilos on 18 August 2004
185.4 kilos on conception, Sept. 2004
183.6 kilos on discharge from hospital after giving birth in July 2005
167 kilos on 13 August 2005 - when swelling from pre-eclampsia began receeding finally
180.9 kilos on 26 March 2006 - who said life with a baby is easy? PND (post natal depression was making me put on weight by not making careful food selections)
171.3 kilos on 30 May 2006
159.9 kilos recently
Over 32 kilos lost in 2 years without any special effort.